General things to keep in mind while booking air tickets

Sometimes its very frustrating to search a book a cheap and good flight ticket, you have to serve many sites, have to look for different airline prices, because if you traveling to new York you will see many options of flights and even different price for the same flight and timing.

Today I am going to tell you about some common mistakes one make while Online Flight Booking.

Avoid booking on days when prices are higher.

If you are not booking travel for work, it is obviously most convenient to shop for and purchase airfares over the weekend, when you have more free time. However, According to Fare Compare the best time to book U.S. domestic flights is On Tuesday Eastern. This varies somewhat for international flights, as might be expected with airlines based in a variety of countries with different fare updating patterns, so you will want to be a bit more vigilant for international fares. We recommend checking prices throughout the week to get the Best Flight Deals.

Don’t fly on Friday or Sunday if you can avoid it.

Airlines tend to rise up airfares from Friday to Sunday flights for the simple reason that these are the most likely days leisure travelers and vacationers are going to travel. The number of travelers also gets on travelling on Fridays because of business travelers racing home, so this can be a particularly pricey day.

The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. So these are the best day for flight ticket booking

Do clear your cookies.

Most websites use cookies to identify you in various ways as you surf the Internet, most easily seen in notices when I return to a shopping site, even while not logged in and most obviously in ads for things I have recently researched in the same browser. These cookies have real and useful applications that benefit the user, an obvious one is to track items you put into a shopping cart without requiring a log-in, as well as real and useful applications for the website you visit, such as serving up targeted ads and knowing your general preferences.

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